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Free flow of meaning

Trying to define what makes a real project manager, very often we tend to list many characteristics that a leader should have without categorizing them at all.
I came across one of those lists during a course and the first thought that sprang to my mind was: from where do they originate? What lies behind them?
I thought the couple IQ/EQ might be useful here. I’m not pretty convinced about the outright effectiveness of this method for quantifying our intelligence however, we have no valuable alternatives.
Let’s have a look at the following quadrant.

One dimension is EQ (emotional quotient) and the other is IQ (intelligence quotient).
EQ is a measure of how well we can get in contact with people, openly and candidly. It is our personal prosperity that works to advantage for every single person involved in our project. It is easy now to put under this category a bunch of characteristics.
On the other hand, IQ is a measure of how effectively we can critically examine our EQ! It balances our gut instinct with data, figures and realism. It is the attitude to thinking systematically, how much intellectual rigor we apply in working out problems.
Nevertheless, the "free flow of meaning" is not simply the sum of them. It reminds me the concept of holism but let’s stop here :-) -

For my Italian readers, see my previous post on the leadership.


Ciro Paduano said…
Tu non devi provare a definire un project manager o il concetto di leadership. Tu sei il project manager e la rappresentazione della leadership. Sempre con immenso affetto ed ammirazione, Ciro.
Michele Arpaia said…
In realta' intendevo parlare di Leadership. La differenza tra un Manager e un Leader e' molto profonda.
Provero' ancora a scardinare questi concetti.
Grazie per i complimenti, davvero non meritati :-)