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Showing posts from 2015

A brief history of retailing


What's the next wave of PIM? Part I.

The PIM market stands on the cusp of a turning point, almost a transition to a ‘phase 2’ (very tempted to call it “PIM 2.0”…) While most still can’t see how the investment in a proper PIM solution will pay a lot of dividends, there is also every sign that the market is on the verge of a significant turn. The signs come from two directions, namely, retailers and (PIM) vendors. The former beams bright signs; from the latter the signs are dim but encouraging.  Let me explain.  Fast-faced economy and game-changing technologies such as mobile’s have shifted the balance of power, now tilting away from retailers and toward consumers. Invariably, while the core functions of retail are – and will always be – unchanged, business models are being redefined by experimenting new ways of delivering value. Nordstrom offers a mobile app that enables the user not only to browse, read customer reviews, etc. but to check product availability at nearby stores. Macy's, Levis, Targe...

The Colours of PIM

I am borrowing the simple “Six Hats” concept advanced by Edward de Bono to exemplify the discipline of Product Information Management (PIM) in a creative manner. Given that I am also tired of seeing PIM defined, purported, marketed and trumpeted in the same way in many quarters i.e. a repository of product data to bla bla bla, I will sprinkle a few insights I am working on to really start looking at PIM from a new and more adequate angle. Now, de Bono's method aims to force us to move outside our habitual thinking style to get a more rounded view of a situation.  He effectively uses six colours to describe six different angles ( hats ) to see a situation. As you can imagine, this has nothing to do with PIM but the intuitive meaning attributed to colours offers a nice way to look at six key constituents of PIM. Let’s put the PIM hats on! This is the traditional way of understanding PIM as a repository of product data. It is a paramount foundation upon which anythi...

Featured on Which-50

I am glad to inform you that two of my articles about the importance of business processes over data have been combined in one piece and published on Which-50 , a digital intelligence business publisher for C-Suite executives, strategists, founders and directors. Hopefully the beginning of a fruitful collaboration.