Hunter Valley, Australia Back from a fantastic 3-day event about online retail here in Australia. I wish I had the time to write an account of what I've learned, people I've met, and more importantly the great wine I tasted :-) One keynote session that I attended to was presented by a PIM vendor. I found it fine and informative. I also very much welcomed the effort of not mentioning the capabilities of their product and all the fluffy spin that you generally hear from vendors. Chapeau! However, in a split second she deftly found the opportunity to recommend retailers to forget the long tail and focus on the ‘head’. It is this focus on the head, the argument goes, that gives you a solid foundation to sell more. I have two problems with this argument but first of all, I'd encourage you to read what I wrote about the long tail here and here . In addition to that, I also have some reservations about the long tail strategy but they are of a completely different nature