The following is (part of) an email we sent to some American friends:
[...]Let me share with you and your family what I think the deepest American needs are and what the political adequate answer is.:
[...]Let me share with you and your family what I think the deepest American needs are and what the political adequate answer is.:
- Economy/tax.We do not need a state that controls our personal finances, but rather promote them and assure the conditions where we - as a society - can play our part. It's called Welfare Society. In actual fact it means tax release, free market promotion and private property protection. McCain or Obama? No doubts whatsoever, Sir!
- Life. We do not need a state that intervenes with our personal matters. Life is too important to be manipulated by political ideology. Life comes first, protected and untouchable. Issues like Abortion, Euthanasia are too important to be held in the hands of the state. McCain or Obama? No doubts whatsoever, Sir!
- Islam We don't need a state that bows down to Islam. They made the first move. They are the ones who hate our liberty, hate our wealth, our capacity to be free and to indulge in this freedom. They hate you because you are American. You as an American, are "infidel" and as such you deserve hell. 9/11 was an example of the very "hell" that they made American's face. McCain or Obama? No doubts whatsoever, Sir!
Let me leave you with a quote that I found expresses the essence of the Republican address:
"Centralized governments may care for you from cradle to grave, but they also control you. Most Americans don't want MORE government -- they want a lot less.Abraham Lincoln reminded us that a government that can do everything FOR us can also take everything FROM us.I really tire of hearing how the Democrats care about the working guy as if all Republicans grew up with silk stockings and silver spoons.I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich, but because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me"
Mike Huckabee at the Republican National Convention, September 3, 2008.
God Bless America.
Can God help him.
A choice can either be right or wrong.
I personally think that America has an inadequate president for the reasons I tried to outlined.
I'm being democratic ;-)
He's gonna gover for 4 years.
We will see.
I read his program on taxation and Energy.
Furthermore the foreign affairs program doesn't look so bad and so different from the McCain's one.
It's his time now. Give him a try.
Obama is the winner ... no one want to discuss about it. But please let express different opinions about the winner (everyone could be).
My personal idea is that if you believe that we need to learn from the American because they elected an Afro-American as President you're doing a big mistake ... you're thinking like a racist. I hope (even I do not really believe) that Obama could sucess leading the American in such challenging time regarless of the color of his skin.
Il nostro diritto è come se fosse fondato non sulla legge ma su contratti e sentenze, e le sentenze regolano le esigenze sociali intepretando ragioni di mercato che, putacaso, fanno riferimento ai 'grandi imprenditori' italiani che produconi beni e lavoro e regolamentarizzano, in ogni caso, l'apparato sociale (non so se usare come esempio di ''grandi imprenditori'' l'archetipo della mafia o della chiesa). Mentre il mercato 'dei poveri' continua ad esacerbare la sua inanizione.
Questo, aggiunto alla mentalità qualunquista e di "tiratore dell'acqua al proprio mulino" del politicante italiano medio, ci penalizza all'inverosimile (ove il verbo penalizzaare è usato come mero eufemismo).
Mah... continuo a sperare nel mio mondo onirico la venuta di un nuovo machiavellano principe, possibilmente non nero ma di fiere origini italiane eheh :)
Amo la mia terra e la mia nazione, e non voglio "emigrare" per avere la possibilità economica di costruirmi una famiglia.
Michè ti faccio tanti saluti, e spero di riabbracciarti presto.
Tuo cugino Giovanni (Calabrese, il 'piccolo').